A New Special Box

I know we must all be starting to ‘think Spring’ around this time of year (as I sit here looking at seed catalogs!) and I am delighted that the folks at Everything Cross Stitch invited me to create a cheerful springtime design for their newest Spring Stitch ‘n’ Stuff Box. This box contains lots of goodies. In addition to the chart, instructions and supplies for stitching up my exclusive design, there is a lovely large piece of fabric from Fabric Flair, some sweet little stitching accessories, and special coupons for future purchases at Everything Cross Stitch. You can find all the details on how to purchase the box here: https://www.everythingcrossstitch.com/stitchnstuff-mrt-t99.aspx

A New Design for Christmas

The little fairy is back for a holiday celebration and dressed in her finest Christmas frock in this brand new design just right for your Christmas stitching. With her are special holiday gifts and sparkling baubles for everyone to enjoy. Her billowing dress is embroidered in fine golden Kreinik #4 Braid threads and lustrous Mill Hill beads. Pictured on Polstitches Designs 28 count ‘ice cap©’ Lugana she drifts through the winter sky, floating through the snow white clouds. This design is ready for shipping and available in all of your favorite online shops.

The Sunflower Fairy

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Something New and Christmas Too!

JE304 © The Sea Nymph
JE304 © The Sea Nymph $16

The fluttering gossamer tail and fins of a brilliant fantail fish carry the Sea Nymph on her journey through the sea. Brilliant colors of gold and orange highlighted with gorgeous Kreinik metallic threads reflect the sunlight as it streams through the waters. Dressed in the rich royal hues of the ocean and the sea weeds of the deep, we celebrate her free spirited ride. Stitched on Polstitches Designs gorgeous ‘water garden©’ 28 count Lugana and detailed with glistening Mill Hill beads and metallic thread details she is a vision to behold.

And then to stitch for Christmas…

JE308 © Christmas in Blue
JE308 © Christmas In Blue $16

I love the look of blue and white for a Christmas Sampler. Here we celebrate the peace and beauty of that special night as shepherds kept watch and a star shone brilliantly in the sky, heralding the birth of baby Jesus. Stitched on Polstitches Designs ‘pearl©’ sampler linen with a limited palette and highlighted by golden metallic threads from Kreinik and precious Mill Hill Petite Beads.

More Summer Flowers!

JE300 © Peony Fairy

The last days of spring and beginning of summer is the time when the peonies in my Vermont garden are on full display. Beautiful shades of pink, white and coral fill the front garden for weeks. This was my inspiration for the Peony Fairy. There are sumptuous blooms framing her delicate face and the royal blue of her flowing skirt makes the perfect backdrop for the gorgeous flower petals. Stitched on 28 count ‘fairy dreams©’ Lugana from Polstitches Designs she is accented by delicate Mill Hill beads and luscious Kreinik metallic threads to add just the right ‘fairy sparkle’. She will be available in all the same online shops and LNS you love and through my Order Chartpacks Page.

Summer Hydrangeas

Something new for you! I love the flowers of summer with their fresh colors and fragrant blooms. How lovely it is to visit any coastal town in New England and see a profusion of colorful hydrangeas everywhere. From dramatic violets and lavenders to brilliant pinks and white, these sumptuous flowers inspire memories of sun, sand, ocean waters and everything that we hold dear in the summertime. In her fresh golden frock, this gentle fairy gathers armfuls of billowing bouquets sprinkled with tiny Mill Hill seed beads and shimmering Kreinik threads. Featured on Polstitches Designs beautiful hand dyed ‘crystal skies©’ 28 count Lugana, you will love stitching this beautiful sprite in all her summer finery. You will find her in all of your favorite online and brick & mortar needlework shops.

4 New Chartpacks

I am happy to have four new chartpacks ready next week. The Jewel Box is a delightful treasure stitched in gemstone colors and highlighted with sparkling Mill Hill beads and Kreinik threads. The Puppet Theater was inspired by a marionette craftsman that I met while traveling in Canada and is ready to delight with its whimsical characters and happy colors. Father Sun is now available in chartpack form. I’ve had so many requests for this it seemed the perfect time to let him shine in all his glory. Autumn Splendor, shimmering with rich colors of Mill Hill beads and Kreinik threads, is ready to stitch for autumn as leaves fall and seasons change. All of these designs will be available in your favorite online shops including 123stitch and Polstitches Designs .

Two New Chartpacks and Happy Summer!

Hi Everyone-

Here we are already into the month of July. I do hope that all of you are safe and staying well during these difficult days. So far so good in our house, thank goodness.

I have two new chartpacks out  this week. JE275 Petite Springtime Fairy and JE276 Arise. The Petite Springtime Fairy first appeared in Polstitches Designs Springtime Box. Jo Critchley is putting a special goodies filled box together for you  every season. The boxes contain special fabrics, designs and threads that are always a surprise and absolutely delightful. Now that some time has passed since the first box release, I can offer this chart to everyone that missed the box sales. Please go to Polstitches Designs special offers to see more details on upcoming boxes.


JE275 Petite Springtime Fairy $12

Arise is a design I did some years ago and is out of print, but I have now re-charted it to make it available to everyone again. I thought it was fitting to put up a  design that offered us some inspiration and a message of hope as we navigate through our changing world.


JE276 Arise $16

You can order through the usual online shops including 123stitch , Polstitches Designs , Stitch It Central , Casa Cenina , Jannz Craft Shop . If you would like to order from me directly you can just write in the number on the order form on the Order Chartpacks Page on this site.

Celebrate Spring!

I love this time of year with all the trees in bloom and the gardens coming to life. In celebration, I have four new chartpacks now available for shipping.

JE205 The Dragon & the Fairy, JE209 The Dancing Butterfly Fairy, and JE264 Girandola, all celebrate the gentle, easy breezes of the season. Each design is embellished with glistening Kreinik metallic threads and accented with the shimmer of Mill Hill beads. JE262 Springtime Delight Library is a fun collection of small motifs just perfect for quick to stitch gifts, cards and tokens of love.

3 New Chartpacks

Blog 3 New Chartpacks Feb 2018

Welcome to February Everyone! It’s high time I got to releasing a few new chartpacks. You can start on something for next Christmas with the Christmas Peace Angel, work up a treat for a loved one with my Fairy Garden Alphabet, or  stitch up my elegant Dancing Mermaid. Whichever you choose, you will find the same attention to detail and high quality chartpack you expect from Joan Elliott Design.  All of these will be available at your favorite online shops and directly through my Order Chartpacks page. Enjoy!

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