Earth Goddess Preview, New Chartpacks, and a Copyright Note

Earth Goddess

Earth Goddess copyright Joan A. Elliott photo courtesy of Cross Stitch Collection

Greetings everyone!

Here she is, the third in the elemental Goddesses, EARTH. What a lovely job the team at Cross Stitch Collection has done in styling this photo. I think it sets the design off perfectly. I felt particularly drawn to this goddess. I suppose it’s the gardener in me that loves the feel of the earth between my fingers and the promise of new life that we feel in the early springtime. Tiny hummingbirds, fluttering butterflies, and delicate mushrooms fill her world.

She is adorned with lots of pretty Mill Hill beads and Kreinik metallic threads and is stitched on Polstitches beautiful  28 count ‘Nature’s Grace’ hand dyed Jobelan. How perfect! She will be in issue Cross Stitch Collection #188 on sale beginning in the UK on September 8th. I’ve posted a supply list on my Project Floss List.

I also have a few new chartpacks that will be available towards the end of next week. For those of you interested in kits rather than chartpacks, you can find Polliwog Place, In the Beginning, and Lady Rose as complete kits from Design Works Crafts. Here’s a preview…

new chartpacks

New Chartpacks copyright Joan A. Elliott

I wanted to post a bit about copyrights again. Every day I am notified about sites on the internet where charts from  all of your favorite designers are being pirated illegally. As most of you know this hurts us all. As the sole source of income for most designers, including myself, each time a chart is given away for free through copyright infringement or sold without permission, we all lose. I have been helped by so many of you in the past when you have emailed links to suspected infringements and I am forever grateful for your help in trying to stop this. Please continue to pass the word to fellow stitchers that copyrights do matter. Thanks!